YES, OVER 18+!

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Plants love you completely. They welcome you with open arms and bloom in your presence. The plant life sustains a deep sentiment for you, with their stem and root. They yearn for your tending, longing to be cultivated in your greenhouses.
Plant love you with all their heart. The vegetation 🌿 your care and attention. These green beings welcome you wholeheartedly. Their leafy leaves open wide, revealing their delight. With each and every 💚, they yearn for your tender affection. Sheltered in your embrace, they thrive beautifully.
Flora are enamored by you wholeheartedly. The plant kingdom embrace you with wide foliage. In your presence, they thrive and radiate their beauty in full glory. The world of green sustains a profound devotion for you, with every blade and base. The plants desire your nurturing, hungering to be tended in your garden.
Plants hold you dear unconditionally. These green wonders welcome you with open leaves. When you're around, they blossom and display their splendor vibrantly. The botanical realm nurtures a deep affection for you, with all their stem and foundation. The flora long for your attention, eagerly awaiting your nurturing touch. Cultivated in your garden, they grow radiantly.

plantyoucookbookcom Plantyou Cookbook
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